Pántlika - Best ruinpubs and alternative bars in Budapest - ruinpubs.com
XIV., Hermina út 47.
M-W:12-23; F-S:12-24
If you want the atmosphere of 70s Balaton holidays in Budapest: you have to aim at Pántlika in Városliget

This structure (it would be problematic to call it a 'building') remains here from the time when BNV (the Budapest International Fair) was held in Városliget: it used to be the information stall then.

According to its homepage, Pántlika (the name means 'Ribbon') was decorated with objects from the 60s and 70s (following a change of proprietor and a consequent change in outlook), but when we went to see for ourselves, it was hard to escape the feeling that some of the regulars also belong to that period.

One of them fell off his chair around 6 in the afternoon already, but the confident young waiter finally put him on the right way home. His place was taken by young people with a desire for retro and pencakes: the kitchen in Pántlika serves food we all have nostalgic feelings for from our childhood, and very high quality reincarnations too.

By its site, Pántlika is perfect for people coming with dogs or by bicylce, from an after-work drink to late night.
