The beginning of the 21st century was an exciting turning point in the nightlife of Budapest: in the central area of the city new places were opened one after another in tenement houses and factory buildings doomed to destruction. These were equipped with rejected furniture of old community centres, cinemas, and grandmothers´ flats, bringing a retro feeling into these places. They were soon called ruinpubs and became popular very fast among the youth of Budapest - ruinpub is the exact translation of the Hungarian name.
Ruinpubs often move to a new place, or close for some years, then open in a new place again. They are are not only good places to drink and have a party but also function as cultural community areas with film clubs, theatre performances, concerts, exhibitions, and creative workshops, too. They do not work in a franchise system, there is no specified design, and there are no rules, how to make them. Every place has a unique style and atmosphere. In Szimpla kert you can have a beer in a cannibalized old Trabant car.
Discover their magical and secret world beyond the ruin bars! Join our guided tour.
In Instant you can stroll around in the labyrinth of the tenement house. In Kertem (My Garden) you can feel the atmosphere of a socialist beer-garden of the 1980s. From Corvin tető (Corvin Roofgarden) you can have a view at the nightlife of this cosmopolitan city. Some of the ruinpubs are open in Summer only, while others have indoor areas, so you can visit them all year.
Ruinpubs have been very popular since their birth, and not only among local people but among toursits, as well, gaining a position on the tousist map of Budapest - together with famous sights, like the Parliament, the Castle, or the Heros’ Square.
The aim of this website is to give you information about the ruinpubs of Budapest in one place. Here you can find addresses and contacts to all of them, just like maps and programs. You can also find information about other places, restaurants, accomodation and tours similarly exciting as ruinpubs. Getting to know Budapest by ruinpubs is like being guided here by a local friend. We hope, that you will like this website and come back again! Feedbacks are welcome or you can write to us here: