Best ruinpubs for autum/winter season - Best ruinpubs and alternative bars in Budapest -

One of the best things in the summer is that you can sit outside. You can sit in squares, parks, terraces, rooftops, anywhere, where you can enjoy the sunset and the soft summer night breeze, and you can spend a nice night out. But the great thing in Budapest is that the life just doesn’t stop when the fall comes, it just turns into something else. We’ll point you in the right direction.

Ruinpubs for chatting

Fekete kutya. Photo: Fekete kutya Facebook page

If you’re the type who prefers to have a chilled, chatty evening, and you’re looking for a nice, cozy place to sit in, not to mention you like to dring something special, your area is the Dob and Diófa Street and the famous Élesztő right next to Trafó, Élesztő has a cool industrial interior. They specialized for the Hungarian craft beers, you’ll definitely find some warming brew for your tase. Near the corner of Dob and Diófa Streets, there's Kisüzem and Fekete kutya, just a few meters away from each other, they would be the perfect choice if you'd like to try some special rum or whiskey in the cold season. 

Ruinpubs for clubbing

Fogasház. Photo: Fogasház Facebook page

Sure, there are evenings what just doesn’t want to end and you’ll feel like shake it up a bit, check out Corvin club’s programme – clunky bass or hard gigs, it’s your choice. But another perfect option is the recently united club complex in Akácfa Street, where you literally can find every kind of music genre in one night: Fogasház, Instant, Larm, Robot, you cannot choose wrong.

Ruinpubs for culture

Kisüzem. Photo: Kisüzem Facebook page

It happens when you feel like prefer to absorb some culture. Luckily in Budapest, you don't need to go far for this either. The oldest ruinpub, the famous Szimpla sometimes has great exhibitions and you often can come across with jazz, folk or experimental gigs too. Some mini-exhibitions are often held in Kisüzem too, but they have an even more interesting event-series on Sundays, the Némafilmzene, when they project a famous old move and some musicians improvise the music for that. But the largest scale of cultural events can be found in Gólya, that is for sure. Every kind of live music, interesting workshops, and talks, book launches, exhibitions, movie night are on their schedule. If you want to explore the cultural aspect of the ruinbup scene of Budapest with a local guide, sign up for an alternative ruinpub tour.

Ruinpubs for shopping

Szimpla kert ruinpub farmers market. Photo: Budapest Flow alternative walking tours

Budapest still has more to explore, even if you stay within the scene of ruin pubs. For culinary specialties check out the Szimpla Sunday Farmers Market or the gastro market in Élesztő, where they have communal cooking too. Taste, buy, enjoy. But if you’d rather have a look at the fashion and design market, there are two highly recommended. One is in Anker’t, the other is in Rácskert, where you can find unique pieces, vintage stuff and designer’s specialties too from clothing to accessorize and even to furnishing. You can check out the markets offered by the ruinpubs, street art, coffee shops and the coolest hangouts by joining an alternative Sunday morning walking tour.